
Newspapers and magazines? Turn your reader into a listener

There’s no doubt: people are reading less and less. Some newspapers are already resorting to sensationalist stories to gain clicks, bookstores are selling fewer and fewer books, and the surveys aren’t optimistic. The reasons for the lack of reading are varied: reading is boring, I can’t concentrate, it makes me sleepy, I don’t have time, I’m not interested.

It’s not a good scenario for those who work exclusively with text format. Wanting to stick to just one media may be costing you money. Want to know how to fix this? Keep reading our post.

Turn your readers into listeners

It’s not necessary to abandon your textual content. Of course, this type of media is also important for your audience. However, there is a trend in audio consumption. Research shows that over 70% of people don’t have time to read everything they would like. It becomes clear that working with a differentiated media for an audience that no longer has time to read is an essential strategy to survive in the market in the coming years.

How to complement text with audio?

Integrating audio into your content is a powerful strategy to engage your audience. Here are some simple steps to achieve this complementation:

Choose a recording platform: Start by looking for a platform that allows you to record your articles in audio. For example, at BRLOGIC, you can use the Podcast feature to record and incorporate audio directly into your articles.

Record the audio: Once the platform is chosen, record a narration of your text. Make sure to speak clearly and enthusiastically to keep the listener’s interest.

Incorporate the audio into your text: After recording the audio, incorporate it into your article. This can be done by inserting an audio player directly into the text, allowing readers to listen while they read.

By following these simple steps, you can significantly enrich the reader’s experience, offering an alternative option for consuming content that meets the needs of those who prefer listening instead of reading.

Golden Tip: Create a Web Radio

People often relate to radio as if it were a family member. The interaction and engagement that this means of communication generates is much superior to any competitor. Therefore, if you want your audience to be engaged with your content, bet on online radio.

Web radio, or online radio, is a platform that provides your audience with radio programming through access to a website. With an online radio, you can create program segments, conduct interviews, reflect on relevant topics for your company, comment on news, among many other options. At times when you or your team cannot do the voice-over, just activate Auto DJ and let the music or pre-recorded programs play. If you prefer, you can have 24 hours of recorded programming.

In addition to being a platform that is expanding in the market and facilitating audience engagement, online radios still have a very significant advantage: they are very easy to create.

The Three-Step Guide to Online Radio

  • Have a computer that is fast at performing simple tasks and a stable internet connection.
  • Initially, only a microphone is necessary for voice-over. If you want to conduct interviews and roundtable discussions, it is recommended to have a mixer to connect more than one microphone at the same time.
  • Hire a streaming platform. BRLOGIC not only offers live audio streaming and Auto DJ, but also features such as podcasts, ready-made websites, applications, and even program segments on various topics. The entire procedure is very simple, just follow the instructions, and your online radio will be on the air, broadcasting relevant information.

Even if your audience does not have access to the computer all day to access your online radio, you can make your radio’s app available for smartphones, or even an Alexa skill. This way, whenever they want, your newest listener will be a click away from quality content.

Advantages for your company

By adopting a strategy to turn your readers into listeners, you increase the number of people who consume what you produce, and audience engagement grows proportionally.

It is interesting to note that you don’t need much time to record audio or produce a program for online radio. Compared to the hours spent structuring, creating, and reviewing a quality text, the world of audio content is much more practical and dynamic. For example, to narrate a text that took two hours to produce, it takes about ten minutes.

Making information available in various media generates much greater proximity with your audience. They are with you on your website, on your web radio, on your app, and through Alexa. Content is consumed in the car, at work, during house chores, and walks with the dog. You are bringing quality information to all the important moments of their lives, and turning unpleasant tasks and traffic into moments of learning and knowledge.

Advantages for your customer

Many people often save interesting articles to read later, and end up never accessing that website again. Market demands, family and children’s needs, career investment, and studies significantly reduce the time available for reading. When there is free time, people are usually too tired to do anything.

Audio, by allowing different tasks to be performed while consuming content, comes into play to reverse this situation. Your audience now has something useful to focus on during routine tasks and the commute to work.

Your platform will also make life easier for people with visual impairments. It is not pleasant to listen to articles in a robotic and emotionless voice. Even excellent texts can become tedious when consumed this way.

Making your articles and content available in audio with a human voice narration is a way to stand out in the market for visually impaired individuals.

Don’t forget about promotion!

Creating an online radio is not the solution to your problems: promotion is. Share the news on all social networks, use Facebook’s ad system, always share the link to your online radio where your company is visible, leave the link on a business card, exchange promotion with other websites, do not underestimate the power of marketing at this crucial moment.


Complementing text with audio not only enriches the reader’s experience but also opens doors to new forms of engagement and audience reach. By recognizing the potential of audio content and understanding consumption trends, companies and content creators can strategically position themselves to meet the demands of a diverse and constantly evolving audience.

By leveraging the advantages offered by audio, such as convenience, accessibility, and emotional connection, it is possible to build a more robust and captivating digital presence, establishing a closer and more meaningful dialogue with your audience.

Ready to start? Create your online radio now by clicking here.

About the author

Luiz Silveira

Luiz Silveira is a specialist in digital marketing and a radio, music and technology enthusiast. With a decade of experience, he aims to help radio stations better position thenselves on the internet.

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