
Churches and online radio stations during the Coronavirus

Churches and online radio stations during the Coronavirus

Let’s be honest. What is happening now is still very new, and sometimes even unbelievable.

Though we are aware that pandemics have paralyzed past civilizations before, just  until a few weeks ago, we couldn’t imagine our global world could fall victim to an infection, especially so quickly and with such severe consequences.

Today, we must rethink our routines. Starting with the most basic and personal tasks, and going all the way through what concerns our personal social network.

The role of churches in times of the coronavirus

Churches and other religious temples are being extremely impacted by all these sudden changes.

Since they play a central role in communities, providing shelter, education and instructing their participants, churches must undertake the responsibility of raise awareness o its members in this time of crisis.

At the same time, they can’t set aside their main role. Evangelize, touch its members hearts and spreading the good word.

But how can this be done, specially when the most stressed instruction currently is to remain in complete isolation until the COVID-19 is weakened?

How can we maintain church members committed, if the recommendation, in some places the imposition, is that people should remain home until the worst of the coronavirus pandemic has passed?

It may seem difficult, but thanks to technology and innovation, churches may continue their activities, and better still, without breaking the isolation.

The congregation members can continue having access to their churches, receiving the good word at the same pace as before (or even quicker); all in digital form.

Churches in the online radio format

Besides the website, which is the main focus point of a church’s internet presence, the best way to reach church members in times of social isolation is through an online radio station.

An online radio station allows church members to follow the cults, prayers and any other religious content created by you, remotely.

It’s possible to have programming on air 24 hours a day, attending to any of the church members’ varied needs, people who had to re-organize their routine and might not be available at their usual times.

This programming may be contain intervals, with content that may be recorded in a few minutes, live programming, and other. It allows for interaction with the community through live chat, text messages or even audio messaging.

See below, in details, how an online radio station can be your church’s focus in order to keep the church members active and participative.

Live and automatic Broadcast

Streaming can be done in two different ways, which complement each other.

The most well-know form is live broadcast. In this type of streaming, your church will be able to transmit content in real time using a computer with connected to the internet.

It is great for broadcasts done at specific times. You can create a programming schedule and let your congregation know that the cult will take place at a specific time of day.

Besides, you will be able to set aside another time to read messages from your church members; messages which can be fed into your website or though an APP using either text or audio.

But, there is also another way to broadcast, an automatic way done through Auto Dj. This is where an online radio station stands out as an extremely useful tool for churches during this period of coronavirus infection.

The Auto Dj is an automatic broadcast tool, which stays on air 24 hours a day, without depending on a computer connected to the internet.

All you need is to have the content you wish to broadcast in MP3 format. With that, all you need to do is send this content to your panel on the internet, create the programing once; and then you’re good to go. Your church’s online radio station will be on air 24 hours a day, without the need for human control at every moment.

The Auto Dj is especially useful in many cases which include:

  • Broadcasting recorded content: You had a live broadcast, recorded it and now you want to play it again? Just send it to the Auto Dj and choose the airing time. This is especially useful for re-running cults and readings.
  • Broadcasting songs in sequence: During the intervals between live transmissions you can keep the Auto Dj broadcasting a song playlist, anthems, praises and worships in sequence. It’s yet another way of keeping your community active. Motivate praise requests through your website, your APP, and through your social media.
  • Use audio campaigns and short programs: Many of the online radio plans offer short programs and campaigns, which consist of short audio focusing on specific topics.

Regarding short program, their update is daily. Among the themes, there are short programs with biblical passages, words of faith, prayers, Biblical stories, among others. The campaigns, are focused on timely subjects, such as listener social awareness and education.

Keeping in touch with the congregation members

Linked to an online radio station, many times there is a website and a smartphone app. By themselves, these two resources are limited in their actions, but along with an online radio station, they can change your church’s routine.

It is possible to stimulate church members to stay in constant contact through the website and APP, using specific tools for this. Among other resources available, there is also the live chat system, test messages, audio messages, song requests, to name a few.


The situation is really serious. We can’t underestimate the potential damage that COVID-19 can cause. We can, and should, mirror our action on the places where the coronavirus reached first and try to understand what measures they took which worked.

Besides personal hygiene, the most effective measure has been isolation. Staying at home and avoiding contact with others until the danger is over.

Churches play an important role in all of this situation, and an online radio station is one of its main allies.

Moreover, staying united in times of crisis, even though not in person, it’s a way of relieving the tension and keep society’s spirit alive and in union.

What could be a recipe for disaster a few years ago, can now be considered routine thanks to the technological advances provided by online radio stations.

That’s why, don’t waste anymore time. Star your online radio station now, serving as an example to your community.

BRLOGIC offers a 7-day free trial, without commitment. Click here to start your online radio station now!

About the author

Luiz Silveira

Luiz Silveira is a specialist in digital marketing and a radio, music and technology enthusiast. With a decade of experience, he aims to help radio stations better position thenselves on the internet.


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